Hi Community
Is there a way to get the size of a partition within a table?
I would like to start a new partition when the size exceed a certain amount of space.
Hi Community
Is there a way to get the size of a partition within a table?
I would like to start a new partition when the size exceed a certain amount of space.
You could query it with
SELECT s.schema_name, s.table_name, s.partition_ident, sum(s.size)
FROM sys.shards s
WHERE primary
GROUP BY 1,2,3;
SELECT s.schema_name, s.table_name, s.partition_ident, tp.values, sum(s.size)
FROM sys.shards s
JOIN information_schema.table_partitions tp
ON s.schema_name = tp.table_schema
AND s.table_name = tp.table_name
AND s.partition_ident = tp.partition_ident
WHERE primary
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4;
if you want the partition column values.
Be aware that it might be beneficial to use an automatic partition logic with e.g. a generated partition column. A generated partitioned column like part GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('month',ts)
is also used for optimizing query plans and partition skipping.
@proddata Thanks for the fast response!
Unfortunately automatic partition logic by time failed in my case due to the fact, that incoming data varies massively. Since all my data pass through an ingest script I just thought about checking partition size from time to time and increase the partition_id by one if my limit has been reached.