I created a partitioned table as the following:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log.partitioned_requests (
ts_month TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('month', datetime),
user_id VARCHAR(37),
trace_id VARCHAR(37),
user_name TEXT,
user_email TEXT,
protocol TEXT,
method TEXT,
scheme TEXT,
host TEXT,
path TEXT,
query TEXT,
content_type TEXT,
request_duration BIGINT,
response_duration BIGINT,
response_code INTEGER,
user_agent TEXT,
remote_ip IP,
referer TEXT
) PARTITIONED BY (ts_month, user_id) ;
And then inserted a few million rows into it, creating 85 partitions and 1020 shards.
Then I deleted rows from that table:
DELETE FROM log.partitioned_requests WHERE datetime < '2021-12-01';
DELETE FROM log.partitioned_requests WHERE datetime < '2022-01-01';
DELETE FROM log.partitioned_requests WHERE datetime < '2022-02-01';
DELETE FROM log.partitioned_requests WHERE datetime < '2022-03-01';
Everything went fine and all of the rows were deleted. But when I looked in the web-based administrative User Interface, I saw that partitions were still there.
I observed that size (sum of primary shards) of log.partitioned_requests
was about 1000 MiB in the beginning, but after the DELETE queries it started to drop: 950 MiB , 926.6 MiB , 826.9 MiB , …, 177 MiB . It stabilized at 177 MiB in a few minutes .
I know 177 MiB isn’t that much, and not that small (is it metadata?) but if I want to get rid of those partitions, how can I do that?
Should I ‘close’ the partition as described in Partitioned tables — CrateDB: Reference?