CrateDB office hours: Wednesday, July 5 2023

Join us for the next session of CrateDB Office hour. This time we are meeting on July 5 starting at 3 PM CET / 9 AM ET. Use this opportunity to learn more about CrateDB from our engineers, ask questions, and share your insights and use cases. The topics we will cover this time are:

  • Intro to CrateDB Ecosystem and relevant content
  • Short demo with CrateDB and Apache Superset
  • How to use CrateDB with Python and Pandas
  • Overview of the most recent and upcoming events you don’t want to miss

If you have some specific topic in mind that you would like to see in the agenda please let us know in the comments of this post.

To register for the session and receive the link to join, simply fill out the registration form. We look forward to seeing you there!


Please find attached the slides from the last session:
office_hours_5_july.pdf (1.5 MB)
Thank you for being there!

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