We had a table and we tried to add more nodes to the cluster as part of this exercise now we have the main node and the table schema is missing. We are able to query but we are not able to see the table schema at all. The information schema table also doesn’t show us the table name.
Could you share a bit more information about what the setup looks like?
What CrateDB version are you using?
Which deployment method?
Could you share the contents of the crate.yml / config used?
Are you connecting via Admin UI?
Do you see all the nodes in the Admin UI?
Could you share the logs of a node at startup?
RPM installer single node instance ported to multi node and during the node synchronization phase there was some problem and we had to drop one table on one of the nodes and we are starting to see this issue.
Could you share the contents of the crate.yml / config used?
Did you change the path.data directory after you were running a single node?
The path.data directory holds also the state information of the cluster. When you start CrateDB as a single node with some of the Linux distro packages, it could be that you end up with a configuration with discovery.type set to single-node which would prevent that node to be part of a multi-node cluster. When you change path.data after starting a cluster and not moving the contents to the new location, you essentially start a new cluster with a new state.