Python client array of array binding

I am trying to use the following query using the Python client (0.27.1) on Crate 4.8.2 and it is failing. The table looks like:

|endpoint_name           |client_id|role      |enabled|modification_date      |creation_date          |description|method|
|alarm_config_info_delete|0        |admin     |t      |2022-08-25 09:00:27.409|2022-08-22 09:40:01.817|/alarm     |delete|
|alarm_config_info_delete|4        |admin     |f      |2022-08-25 09:36:34.963|2022-08-25 09:36:34.963|/alarm     |delete|
|alarm_config_info_delete|0        |user      |t      |2022-08-25 09:00:27.409|2022-08-22 09:40:01.817|/alarm     |delete|
|alarm_config_info_delete|0        |viewer    |f      |2022-08-25 09:00:27.409|2022-08-22 09:40:01.817|/alarm     |delete|
|alarm_config_info_delete|0        |superadmin|t      |2022-08-25 09:00:27.451|2022-08-22 09:40:01.889|/alarm     |delete|

The table is created using the folowing sql:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "doc"."api_permissions" (
   "endpoint_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
   "client_id" BIGINT NOT NULL,
   "role" TEXT NOT NULL,
   "enabled" BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
   "modification_date" TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE GENERATED ALWAYS AS _cast(current_timestamp, 'timestamp without time zone'),
   "creation_date" TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE DEFAULT _cast(current_timestamp, 'timestamp without time zone') NOT NULL,
   "description" TEXT,
   "method" TEXT,
   PRIMARY KEY ("endpoint_name", "client_id", "role")
WITH ( column_policy = 'dynamic')

The folowing sql using the console works as expected:

select * from doc.api_permissions ap where ARRAY[description,method] = any([['/alarm', 'delete'],['/alarm', 'put']]);

But when using the following simple code in python:

sql_check = 'SELECT endpoint_name, description, method, role, enabled FROM doc.api_permissions ' \
                'WHERE ARRAY[description, method] = ANY(?)'
params_check = [['/alarm', 'delete'],['/alarm', 'put']]
    cursor.execute(sql_check, params_check)

I get an exception:

crate.client.exceptions.ProgrammingError: SQLParseException[Cannot cast value `[/alarm, delete]` to type `text_array_array`]

It seems it is converting the elements of the outer array to text. Is there any way to accomplish the original console query with python?

Best regards,

The params are themselves an array. And the parameter placeholder ? is of type TEXT(TEXT(ARRAY)), i.e. you have to use triple brackets [[['/alarm', 'delete'],['/alarm', 'put']]]

sql_check = 'SELECT endpoint_name, description, method, role, enabled FROM doc.api_permissions ' \
                'WHERE ARRAY[description, method] = ANY(?)'
params_check = [[['/alarm', 'delete'],['/alarm', 'put']]]
    cursor.execute(sql_check, params_check)```

A JOIN might be the more performant option btw. something along the line:

FROM doc.api_permissions ap 
        UNNEST(['/alarm', '/alarm']) "description",
        UNNEST(['delete', 'put']) "method"
  ) b USING ("description","method")
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Oh, what a stupid mistake. Back to work is hard…
Thank you very much.

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