We’re using CrateDB 5.5 with one node, and we’re testing a below sql, while it takes about than 75 seconds. Did I configure something wrong?Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Server info:
processor : 79
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 CPU @ 2.50GHz
$ free -g
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 755 92 61 1 600 658
Swap: 15 0 15
Hi @hernanc, I changed the number of shards that the five tables to 4, while the query still slow. Please see the attachment included all table’s definition.
Hi, access to the file seems restricted. If you do not feel comfortable discussing the details publicly here in the community maybe you would like to schedule a call with a CrateDB Customer Engineer?
I’m sorry I forget to grant the permission to access the definition file. And now you can download it. I don’t feel uncomfortable discussing issues in the community, and I will provide you any details you need.
Is this data coming from some other system where FK constraints are enforced?
Are the rows created in a certain order?
If so perhaps the count that you are looking for is actually the number of distinct shipping_line_id values (excluding null)?
If instead the result set that you are actually looking for is not a count but some aggregation then we could maybe write the query in a different way, happy to look at this if you want to share further details.
Thank you.