It seems like the behavior of LEFT vs RIGHT JOINS can flip, depending on which tables I’m querying.
Any idea what’s going on? thanks
cr> select "test1"."id" "a", "test2"."id" "b" from "test1" left join "test2" on 1=2;
| a | b |
| 3 | NULL |
SELECT 1 row in set (0.003 sec)
cr> select "test1"."id" "a", "test2"."id" "b" from "test1" right join "test2" on 1=2;
| a | b |
| NULL | 5 |
SELECT 1 row in set (0.001 sec)
cr> select "orgs"."org-name", "sessions"."user-id" from orgs left join sessions on 1=2;
| org-name | user-id |
| NULL | |
SELECT 1 row in set (0.001 sec)
cr> select "orgs"."org-name", "sessions"."user-id" from orgs right join sessions on 1=2;
| org-name | user-id |
| Buyer Org 1 | NULL |
| Vendor Org2 | NULL |
SELECT 2 rows in set (0.003 sec)