Is this a bug in date_format function?


I’ve just tried the following format string for a few datetime values:

cr> SELECT date_format('%W the %D of %M %Y %H:%i %p', '2021-10-11') as formatted_date_string;
| formatted_date_string                      |
| Monday the 11thst of October 2021 00:00 AM |
SELECT 1 row in set (0.001 sec)
cr> SELECT date_format('%W the %D of %M %Y %H:%i %p', '2021-10-12') as formatted_date_string;
| formatted_date_string                       |
| Tuesday the 12thnd of October 2021 00:00 AM |

To me expressions such as “11thst of October” and “12thnd of October” seem wrong.

Is this a bug in CrateDB’s date_format function?

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This indeed seems to be a bug. I created a bug issue: `date_format()` bug for formatting `%D` · Issue #11828 · crate/crate · GitHub


Should be fixed with the next hot-fix release.

Thanks for reporting!