Alter table and add new column if already exists


It seems that the IF NOT EXISTS condition is not supported in the ALTER TABLE statement

Is there an alternative to execute such statement as below?

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS month AS date_trunc(‘month’, timestamp) GENERATED ALWAYS;

Hi @Alin_Mihut

No, there is no direct alternative other than manual checking beforehand.
If you see this as an important feature feel free to open a feature request in crate/crate:

Anyway it is not possible to add generated columns to a table that already holds data:

-- CREATE OK, 1 row affected (0.103 sec)
ALTER TABLE t001 ADD COLUMN ts_g GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('day',ts);
-- ALTER OK, -1 rows affected (0.076 sec)
INSERT INTO t001 (ts) VALUES (now());
-- INSERT OK, 1 row affected (0.055 sec)
ALTER TABLE t001 ADD COLUMN ts_g2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('week',ts);
-- UnsupportedFeatureException[Cannot add a generated column to a table that isn't empty]

best regards

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