i will try and let you know
Currently changed the connection to standard Npgsql. Removed the CrateDbDatabaseInfoFactory. In past 24 hr, there is no connection error occured. I have question do we need to use CrateDbDatabaseInfoFactory for Npgsql connection. Beascuse it is still mentioned in the document section of crate db. And https://www.npgsql.org/doc/api/Npgsql.NpgsqlDatabaseInfo.html is not available at all .
Dear @testjob_tyu,
thank you for your response.
This is good to hear. Thank you for your report.
I believe just using NpgsqlConnection
from stock Npgsql will be fine, as outlined in the basic demonstration program for using CrateDB with vanilla Npgsql. Apologies for being misled by the documentation of the Npgsql fork needed for CrateDB < 4.2.
Based on your observations, we tried to emphasize the admonitions on the corresponding documentation pages like Connect to CrateDB — CrateDB Npgsql by adding a prominent “caution” box like:
Thank you very much for the report on this end. Please let us know if that improves and clarifies the situation sufficiently.
With kind regards,